The Awakening of the Magma Behemoth First Age (5470) Dormant since the battles of the first millennia, the Magma Behemoth, an ancient creature created by Ignis during his prime, erupted from deep beneath the Emberheart Expanse. Its sudden reappearance brought chaos and challenged the newly established peace. The combined efforts of fire, earth, and water elementals, as well as the newly formed Primarin warbands, were needed to subdue the Behemoth, showcasing the growing power and unity of Thaloria's diverse inhabitants. |
I'd like to invite you to join a new D&D campaign that I intend to start running in January. Below are a few important details about the campaign:
1. Scheduling Sessions: The plan is for us to play on Sundays. To coordinate schedules, please fill out this SurveyMonkey form with your availability: Once I have everyone’s responses, I’ll let you know the exact date of our first session. Since there are nine people receiving this invite, I want to accommodate as many schedules as possible. If you aren't interested in playing, please note that in the SurveyMonkey and I'll take you off the distribution list.
2. Player’s Handbook Resource: I’ll be using character options from several different sources. Since I don’t expect everyone to have access to all of them, I’m creating an online "Player’s Handbook" at This site will give everyone access to the available options and campaign rules. I’ll be adding more content over the next week or two, so check back periodically. I'll send emails out occasionally to let you know how it's going.
3. Ability Score Generation: To keep things fair and straightforward, we’ll use either the "Point Buy" or "Standard Array" system for determining ability scores instead of randomly generating ability scores. You can find details on how that works here:
4. More Details Coming Soon: I’ll provide additional campaign details as the website gets updated and as we approach our first session.
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out. I’m really looking forward to this adventure and hope you are too!
Trindle Spring Lutheran Church RPG Club | Mechanicsburg, PA