
The Twelve

Name Alignment Domains Dscription
Elora Lawful Neutral Knowledge, Arcana, Magic Elora, the Goddess of Knowledge and Arcana, is the embodiment of wisdom, learning, and the mysteries of magic.
Kaldar Lawful Good Forge, Craftsmanship, Creation Kaldar, the God of the Forge and Craft, is he divine patron of artisans, blacksmiths, builders, and all who create through labor and skill.
Lyrien Neutral Good Nature, Life, Wildlife Lyrien, the Goddess of Nature and the Wilderness, embodies the untamed beauty and primal forces of the natural world.
Maelis Neutral Good Life, Love, Compassion Maelis, the Goddess of Love and Compassion, is the divine embodiment of empathy, mercy, and selfless care.
Morai Neutral Death, Grave, Transition Morai, the God of Death and the Afterlife, is the serene and impartial guide of souls, ensuring the cycle of life and death continues without interruption.
Rhosin Neutral Good Dreams, Destiny, Knowledge Rhosin, the Goddess of Dreams and Destiny, governs the hidden paths of fate revealed through visions, dreams, and prophecy.
Sarna Chaotic Neutral Trickery, Illusions, Deception Sarna, the Goddess of Trickery and Deception, is a divine patron of cunning, mischief, and manipulation.
Talandra Lawful Good Order, Peace, Justice Talandra, the Goddess of Order and Peace, represents balance, justice, and the pursuit of harmony through structure and law.
Thanor Chaotic Good War, Courage, Defiance Thanor, the God of War and Valor, is the embodiment of courage, defiance, and the indomitable spirit of those who fight for justice and freedom.
Valkyr Neutral Fate, Knowledge, Time Valkyr, the God of Fate and Time, governs destiny, inevitability, and the unyielding march of time.
Vara Neutral Good Life, Light, Healing Vara, the Goddess of Light and Life, is the radiant beacon of hope and healing in Thaloria.
Xaros Chaotic Neutral Tempest, Nature, Storms Xaros, the God of Tempests and the Sea, embodies the raw, untamable power of nature's storms and oceans.

The Void Covenant

Name Alignment Domains Dscription
Malachor Chaotic Evil Corruption, Undeath, Destruction Malachor, known as the Endbringer, is the ancient Abyssal Lord of Corruption, Conquest, and Undeath.
Naeris Lawful Evil Shadows, Secrets, Hidden Knowledge Naeris, the God of Shadows and Secrets, is the keeper of whispered truths, hidden knowledge, and the veiled forces that shape the world from the shadows.
Nyssara Lawful Evil Dragons, Greed, Strength Nyssara, known as the Wyrm of Despair, is the ancient Goddess of Dragons, Greed, and Strength.
Shadros Chaotic Neutral Trickery, Forbidden Knowledge, Madness Shadros, the Whispering Void, is the God of Trickery, Knowledge, and Madness, representing the dark allure of forbidden truths, manipulation, and reality-bending deception.
Umbrahal Neutral Evil Darkness, Despair, Corruption Umbrahal, the God of Darkness and Despair, represents the consuming power of hopelessness, fear, and oblivion.