

Bugbears are fierce, nomadic warriors known for their brutal cunning, predatory instinct, and tribal devotion. Descended from primal goblinoid ancestors hardened during the chaotic wars of the Second and Third Ages, they developed into stealthy, deadly hunters feared for their ability to strike from the shadows. In battle, they are brutal and relentless; in the wild, they are silent predators guided by ancient instincts.

Though often misunderstood as mere savages, bugbears possess a complex tribal culture rooted in oral tradition, war-song rituals, and sacred oaths. They thrive on dominance and survival, believing the world belongs to those strong enough to take it. Some bugbear clans have turned to mercenary work or settled in rugged frontier lands, while others remain true to their nomadic roots, living as warbands or trackers-for-hire.

Bugbears are tall, muscular humanoids, standing between seven and eight feet tall, with broad shoulders and long, sinewy limbs. Their fur-covered bodies range from dark browns and mottled grays to russet reds and shadowy blacks, offering natural camouflage in the wild. Their faces are marked by fierce, wolfish features, including sharp fangs, pointed ears, and intense yellow or amber eyes that gleam with predatory focus. Many sport ritual scars, symbols of personal victories or earned clan honors.

While their feral reputation persists, bugbears have carved out distinct roles in Thaloria. Many warbands still roam the untamed wilds, while others serve as hunters, mercenaries, or elite trackers in urban societies. Some powerful clans have built fortified strongholds in harsh frontiers, guarding their territory against hostile forces. Though still seen as dangerous and unpredictable, bugbears have evolved beyond mere raiders, earning both fear and respect as hunters of men and monsters alike. Their creed remains simple: "Hunt or be hunted."

Bugbear Traits

You have the following traits.

Creature Type: Your type is Humanoid (Goblinoid).

Size: Your size is Medium.

Speed: Your walking speed is 30 feet.

Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light and in darkness as if it were dim light. You discern colors in that darkness only as shades of gray.

Fey Ancestry. You have advantage on saving throws you make to avoid or end the charmed condition on yourself.

Long-Limbed. When you make a melee attack on your turn, your reach for it is 5 feet greater than normal.

Powerful Build. You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift.

Sneaky. You are proficient in the Stealth skill. In addition, without squeezing, you can move through and stop in a space large enough for a Small creature.

Surprise Attack. If you hit a creature with an attack roll, the creature an extra 2d6 damage if it hasn't taken a turn yet in the current combat.

Monsters of the Multiverse. Wizards of the Coast, 2021.